About the Farm
My Sisters’ Farm is located on a beautiful 10 acre parcel of land in the foothills east of Sacramento.
We began with raising Icelandic sheep; a heritage triple purpose breed, known for outstanding wool, meat and milk.
We have expanded to the beautiful heritage breed Royal Palm Turkeys, and Brahma & Buff chickens for eggs. Our flocks graze on pastures and get supplemental organic feeds.
We work with bio-dynamic composting methods and strive for a farm where the animals are truly honored for their service to us and are given an organic and natural style of life.
Our lovely brown eggs are from happy chickens who roam the farm and are only locked up at night to protect them from predators.
Look for future growth as the sisters, Pattie, Valerie and Janet, retire from their day jobs as firefighter, sheriff deputy and nurse practitioner to be able to do what they love full time. Raise healthy food for the community and teach this process to any interested folks who would like to learn.
Come visit us and enjoy the solitude of the “Willow Tree Grotto” located at the heart of the farm’s large pond with a flow form fountain, or the expansive view overlooking the 10 acre lake and magnificent oaks.
Keep in touch to learn what classes and events we are having at the farm. Our first class was on Felting. Be on the lookout for a bread oven building class soon, and more!